
Enjoy Your City

During the course 2007/2008 you will have the opportunity to do the "credit" Enjoy your city again.
In this "credit" students do an English guide of our village and upload it into the Internet.
Here you have some of the links to the websites done by your mates some years ago, from 1997 to 2000.

Enjoy your city

1) http://www.xtec.cat/ies-dperramon/departaments/idiomes/enjoy/a_index.htm
2) http://gotoarenysdemunt.galeon.com/index.html
3) http://touristicguide.galeon.com/index.html
4) http://touristguideadm.galeon.com/index.html
5) http://yourholidaysinarenys.galeon.com/

Enjoy them

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