
Project Britain

British Life, Symbols, Culture, Events, Customs and traditions, Education, History, Tourist information, hundreds of facts and figures, etc......
As Mandy Barrow, the webmaster and author says: " Our Project Britain website contains fascinating facts and information about England, Scotland and Wales (Britain), in a way that is easy to read and to understand for people of all ages and cultures.
Click here to go to Project Britain.


Mira que luna said...

Save the EOIs (State-run language schools)!
Marita en Self-learning EOI Coruña - Hace 7 horas
We need your support. The governnment is planning to change the teachers' working conditions at Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas (State-run language schools) by turning us into secondary school teachers. That would be the first step to make EOIs disappear. Please sign the petition to stop this: http://www.change.org/es/peticiones/salvemos-la-enseñanza-pública-de-idiomas

Knowpronto said...

very informative blog..thanks for sharing.

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